
More waiting

I thought my appointments would just start rolling along like a well-oiled conveyer belt (even though Nancy warned me that that probably would not happen.) My first appointment was 2 1/2 weeks after the diagnosis and it seemed that that appointment would turn on the action switch. On my part it did. Had lab work done this afternoon. Will have MRI tomorrow (to look for stray cancer growths not visible on mammogram.)

But doctor's schedules are out of my control it seems. I called surgeon to schedule the next appointment which could've been two days after the MRI but he's out all week. And I can't schedule the oncologist until i see the surgeon. So I will just enjoy a quiet week and try to clean up my apartment. It's piled with boxes, mail, bags and parts of a bathtub tower are strewn over the hallway. I thought it would be easy so just dumped them all out. There they sit. I've been gone a few days and am not home much as a rule so it needs help.

Gotta go take a nap.

Anyone have any advice or info about radiation treatment? I know the reasons to have it and some to not have it. Would like input.


  1. Lani, At 88, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was also given the choice of a masectomy or radiation, but in her words, "they are not going to cut off my boob!" I didn't think she could do it, but she went through 6 weeks of radiation to get rid of the cancer, with no side effects. (I think it was harder on me taking her for those 6 weeks!) Anyhow, I think you should for sure do the radiation treatments. After the set up, the actual treatments last about 5 minutes, then you are outta there! Good luck...I wish you well. Julie

  2. I also had DCIS. Just finished 7 weeks of radiation after a lumpectomy. For me, it wasn't that big a deal. The radiation therapists first mapped the coordinates and tatooed small little dots on the breast. It was an inconvenience having to drive every day to the hospital and waiting for treatments that lasted just a few minutes. The only side effects I experienced were darkening of the skin and some swelling. They will give you an ointment to use on the skin.

  3. Thank you both. Since the oncologist is not recommending radiation I can cross that decision off my list. Now I need to decide whether to use the tamoxifen or not. I hear conflicting things about it.
