
More on the MRI results

I got a call this morning saying the MRI showed something suspicious in the other breast, so could I please come in and get an ultrasound? Yes of course. And an hour later they were putting warm goo on the right breast and looking for the oddball.

My breasts are what they refer to as "dense" so it's hard to see much of anything. (They said this a.m. that anything could be hiding behind what they see as solid black on the ultrasound.) However, the area of interest did appear for them and they thought that, since I already have cancer on the other breast, this spot warranted a closer look. Next week I get a biopsy with the aid of MRI equipment. That's Wednesday at the crack of dawn.

I told Dan I'll do anything they say except for a mastectomy or chemo. (I was feeling pouty and rebellious.) He listened as I went on and on with the details & then had some wise words. Namely, if I really do have dense breasts, then I will be "playing peek-a-boo" for the rest of my life, always wondering if there are cancer cells hiding behind the dense tissue. Good point. My mind immediately started thinking that maybe mastectomy wouldn't be such a bad idea. I really don't think I'd like to always be wondering what else is lurking.

Oncologist appointment is August 31. Not sure when I'll see the surgeon yet. It WAS scheduled for the 18th, but I think they'll want to wait until the biopsy results are available. Based on this it looks like surgery will be in September.

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