
Ever heard of a Cancer Navigator?

Today my brother called to say he had just met a woman, Melodie Petersen, who is the new (and first) Cancer Navigator at Providence Cancer Center in Olympia. He gave me her number, I called her right away and have already talked to her 3 times today. If you know me, you know I'm curious (sometimes to a fault, I'm told) (but that can't be true....data is our friend) so to find someone whose job it is to answer all my questions is my idea of heaven. I also get the idea that if I ever do start freaking out, she would field the freakiness. One hesitates to unload on unsuspecting friends so I am very happy she's around.

Ironically I was trying to dream up a way that I could be a lay version of her before Steve even called. The last 2 weeks have been frustrating for me as I try to get accurate information and succumb to the waiting game. I wanted to invent something that would give breast cancer neophytes someplace immediate to go to. And lo and behold, someone else had the same idea and did it! I don't care, I still want to be involved so offered to be a volunteer for her. It's right up my alley, all except for the part that I have no medical background.

I had someone come clean my apartment today. Somehow I just wanted my environment to be all organized and sparkly before the treatments start. If any....apparently my kind of cancer has the potential to be even an easier walk in the park than I originally surmised. Well, if it turns out to be "practically nothing," then at least my place will be clean.

I told my EFT/acupuncturist today that this kind of cancer is called, by the American Cancer Society, not a "true cancer." He decided it was "fake cancer" and we made a lot of fake cancer jokes. As I was scheduling an appointment later, I told him I was going to a cancer retreat in a couple of weeks. With a straight face he told me he was surprised they'd let me in. It took a couple seconds for me to get the joke in there. I have to admit, I thought maybe they should give the spot to someone with "real" cancer, but then pulled myself together and figured I'll just go anyway!


  1. Lani, you are a piece of work!! Keep it up and when you get tired of there, come here! Come to celebrate or convales or just do stuff. Would love to have you. marie :-)

  2. Lani: Just remember I had lung cancer with no chemo but with radiation. No sickness of any kind and in 6 weeks I was cured. And this spring the radiation doctor dismissed me as healed and there has been no problems since. Am happy that you are so well and there is not so much to worry about. Don't worry - just smile and be well. Marie :-)
