
Going inward

I am so lucky to have great friends who know exactly what to say. Their words remind me that I can do this my way. For example, today I just want to stay quietly at home and take care of things I've been neglecting. Tomorrow is our family reunion which I usually look forward to but I'm not eager about it this year...I don't want to go but need to not feel guilty about it.

Another interesting thing has come up and that is how to handle people who give unsolicited advice, which I'm getting too much of right now. I myself have done that in the past but in the last few years made a conscious effort to keep my "wisdom" to myself. It is so, so much better to be a compassionate listener, at least from my perspective. So for any of you who are wondering what to do for me, that is at the top of the list. It feels really good. And for those of you who have given advice, I love you for it, but you can probably stop and I'll be just fine.

The exception of course is any advice you can give about what to expect from the whole cancer thing. I'm especially curious about the ups and downs and how do you talk yourself through them?


  1. i was also recently diagnosed with breast cancer, in fact the very same kind you are dealing with. i also am very optimistic and like to find the funny/positive things in life. i have already had surgery, but am waiting for a 2nd opinion before going through another. my advice, if you'd like it, request an MRI before surgery! best of luck to you!

  2. What was surgery like? Did you have an MRI ahead of time? What will that show?

    I have so much to learn!

    Thanks for the pointers.
