
Surgery's done

I know this whole thing isn't over yet, but the surgery was certainly a giant step. I'm feeling pounds lighter, purely an illusion, but true none the less. Here's how I described the surgery on my other blog:

"It was so easy and interesting. How they get a wire in there with such accuracy was quite the puzzle to me, until the end of the procedure at which time the light dawned. They put a hollow needle in first. Then they fix the needle with great accuracy (and futzing around) to the coordinates and right at the metal clip that was inserted during the biopsy. Then, when it is just so, they feed a wire through the hollow tube. The end of the wire is kind of a hook. when it comes out of the needle it expands (not unlike a molly bolt) to anchor itself there. They take x-rays of it and send me off packing to the surgeon, who follows the wire and scoops out cancer cells."

I'm still a little bit out of it so may read this all in a few days and not understand a word of it. But right now I'm fascinated by the whole thing.

Thursday I get the results of the pathology. I would very much like a clean bill of health. I have developed a great respect for cancer and it's many patients. It never sounded easy, to be sure, but it now has a face and I understand even just a little bit better how difficult it really can be.

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